“I know this sounds crazy (weird, strange, etc.) but_______.” (Fill in the blank with your experience with Spirit, Nature, the Unseen, a Dream.) And you have just witnessed the most common conversation I have in my worklife. After the confession of crazy, my response is always some variation of “that’s not strange at all.” I am a normalizer of the “weird” for many. Maybe you have (or had) an experience with Spirit that has you unnerved or freaked you out... READ MORE...

In our house we used to receive a newsletter called “The Klan Watch.” I remember reading it as a young girl, understanding that there were people in the world that wanted to hurt me and African Americans simply because we existed. That newsletter was personal, as was my learning that other people’s oppressions were/are directly related to all oppressions in the world. It wasn’t enough to just work to end my struggle, but it was required of everyone to work to heal the world...READ MORE...