Tending to others, whether it's professionally or personally, takes energy and capacity. When we tend to others, we also require tending ourselves, it's a non-negotiable. We can only tend to others with the capacity that we have for others to tend to us. Each one of us is an interdependent being - we require giving and receiving to get the most out of life. So who are the beings that tend to you while you tend to others?
This is even more important if you are a liminal space holder - leaders, teachers, creatives, coaches, healers, and spiritual seekers. You are visible but also in a position of seclusion and aloneness - the only teacher in the room, the CEO of a company, a solo-entrepreneur, the healer in the room, the artist in the studio, and the coach who lifts up and inspires others. Who tends to you? We often don't speak of the loneliness and isolation that liminal space holders feel. We've lumped it into, "we are doing something wrong - it must be fixed" instead of acknowledging that it is part of the job description. Visibility isolation is real and can be soothed by deeply connecting in a sacred way behind closed doors, confidentially and privately you allow yourself to be seen. We can share the power we have - flatten our institutions, inspire others to tap into the power within, be client centered, and lift others up and still there is space between us. There must be to embrace the in-betweenness that require us to do our job. We hold the long visions and the paradoxical embodiement that reflects for others their own determination & beauty. My invitation is to embrace the whole vocation of liminal space - reach out for support and embody the in-between. Find that trusted being who can tend to the wholeness of you, while you tend to others.
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September 2024