Welcome to Fall (In the Northern Hemisphere)! Today we find the natural world balancing light and dark. And tomorrow the light will begin to wane. This time of year, this darkness, calls us to move inward. Inward to ourselves ,our communities, our homes, and loved ones. This is the time of calling home - the energy that we sent out but was never fully received, the parts of ourselves that we pushed away and are now longing for welcoming, the seeds that were planted that manifested into a bountiful harvest. All of it - this is the time to take stock and call the energy home so that it can nourish you through the fertile winter season that is coming. I invite you to spend some time over the next few days exploring the energy of change, welcoming the call inward, and honoring the waning light. These moments of honoring are what help us come into harmony with the world around us. The equinox is one moment of perfect balance in a sea of continual motion and yet we spend so much of our time in grasping for balance to be static, unchanged, immobile. But my dear ones, you were not made to be static and unchanged - you were made like the trees and the wind.
So what change can you begin to hold sacred today? If change is scary, spend some time in nature - calling on the trees, the sky, the wind to gently help you know kind and compassionate change. The lesson of change doesn’t need to be painful. Change can be welcomed like the rising of the sun or the cycles of the moon. What small inner voice is calling you to grow quiet and listen? What have you turned away from that you are afraid to hear? We don’t ask a question because we are afraid to hear the answer. Turn back to your question with compassion - turn back to the voice that wants to be heard but speaks in a whisper. What fertile darkness is calling you to grow in ways still unseen? Invite even the smallest glimpse of this calling in - invite it to land in the ground of your life and to take root. Suspend knowing - invite in the darkness - and then wait and see. What garden in your field of life needs to be turned and put to rest? Now is the time, take stock, and put to bed all that no longer feeds you. The reward for moving inward? Experiencing the mist between the worlds thinning which helps us move closer to Spirit and our Soul. And once we are closer to ourselves and our true nature, we can embrace welcoming our whole being back home. And then we may be source of welcoming for others. You will be hand in the darkness reaching out for others to know that they are not alone - never alone. With blessings of change and renewal, Valerie
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September 2024